
There’s nothing like the many lives you live while reading a book. The thrill and excitement, the raw feelings that run through you. There’s also the desperate and agonizing longing to feel them for real. The slow slide of tear for the longing of something… That’s just out of reach and yet held so tightly in the heart. it’s always there, just out of reach. Just as sure as the book that’s in your hand.

Surface Tension

The causal brush over a starched dress shirt. The brush of a causal hug in greeting. The surface tension of splayed fingers with crisp curly hair underneath. The feeling of a touch but not quite. I don’t press past the surface tension.

Oh, To be in love with love!

Young and light of heart

A heart with only the faintest of marks

Oh, if ever I could never know of it’s highs and lows